Saturday, August 1, 2009

Knowing God

This afternoon, I read the daily devotional from Our Daily Bread - not something I make a habit of, but once in a while it makes for a refreshing change of routine. Today’s devotional - entitled “Biography of God” - is about knowing God by examining three areas: what God says about Himself, what the God-inspired writers in Scripture say about God, and the countless and glorious things God has done in infinity past, is doing at the very moment you read the words, and will continue to do throughout all eternity.

Reading Dave Branon’s short devotional led me to think about what exactly it means to know God. The answer to this is critical to our relationship with Him, and the way we live in this world. Thus, may this post serve as a very brief introduction to a series of posts that I will be writing in the coming weeks about this subject.

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