Sunday, November 8, 2009

Godly Friendships

Well, I hope you've read the blog posts I recommended in my last post on this subject.  A summary of my thoughts and convictions about Godly friendships will be (eventually) forthcoming, but in the meantime here are a few more resources to check out:

  1. Joshua Phillips @ The Ballantyne Blog - "Friendships should be used to edify and build up both participants. Most modern Americans think of friends as people you "hang out" with, talk to about the latest movies, and try to be "cooler" than. True friends edify each other. They hold themselves accountable, discussing weighty and meaningful matters. Many modern relationships are short-lived, and then hung out to dry while the participants move on to other things. Loyalty is rarely seen."

  2. Charles Spurgeon @ The Spurgeon Archive - In the sermon entitled "A Faithful Friend", Spurgeon speaks on Proverbs 18:24 - "There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Although this sermon focuses on the friendship we have in Jesus, it is a great example for us to follow in our friendships with other men and women on this earth.