Monday, June 9, 2008

A Generation For Truth Podcast Episode 2

Today we are talking about the social gospel and how the Emergents have replaced the true gospel with this heresy.

The podcast is also availible for download at.


Meshaay said...

This is a good one. From stuff you said, it seems they're "attack" (for lack of a better word) was quite subtle so as not to look wrong. It reminded me of a movie called Time Changer which raised the issue of stating morals without stating the authority behind them (Jesus Christ).
Satan is often subtle and sneaky and deceptive, so we really have to be watchful all the time.

Anonymous said...

I once went to a church where they taught that good works was the only way to get to heaven. I think both of you are completely correct about everything spoken in this "podcast."
More people need to hear this.