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I’m a recent high school graduate, currently finishing my second year of college. More importantly, I was saved by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Being born again is an event that occurs at a specific moment in time – yet it is totally a miracle of regeneration that can only be accomplished by the power of God. For me, I prayed the sinner’s prayer as a young child, but in August of 2006 God gave me full assurance as I reconfirmed that decision while completing IBLP’s Basic Seminar.
I live with my family in the southeastern U.S.A. Currently studying for classes and exams takes up most of my time, but I strive to live a balanced life to the glory of God - a combination of reading and research, spending quality time with my family, and serving the church and other local ministries in IT-related capacities.
Two places I’d like to go in the near future? One sooner than the other, but Alaska… and heaven.
¡Fabuloso! This blog is pretty hackin' amazing, guys. I especially liked the banner ;)
Very good stuff. Keep that Light in thine eye.
Great podcast! Keep up the good work. The Lord is using you for his glory. That must take a lot of research.
Hey Guys,
This is an amazing podcast and filled with great truth. I really enjoyed listening to you two discuss and refute these worldly ideas that want to shift us from the Bible. Great job guys! I'l be coming back again.
Can I add you to my blogroll?
Kaysie - Thank you for the compliment. And you most certainly can add us to your blogroll.
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