Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Cry For Our Nation

Many Christians upon hearing that Obama had become our new president, were shaken, fearful, depressed and discouraged. My prayer through this election is that we as a nation learn something and that we as Christians do as well.

For many years we've been watching our nation disintegrate as we allowed more and more evil into our country. With the passage of laws, homosexuality and abortion became legal. And with activist groups and others, we saw these evils become tolerated, then accepted, and now almost celebrated. Our country has grown more and more evil in other areas as well. Over 50% of our nation declares itself to be addicted to pornography. And these are just the ones who are willing to admit it. Our country has moved away from true christian values, and has instead chosen to satisfy the lusts of their hearts. As these things have taken place, the country has moved farther and farther to the left politically. We have become more accepting of liberal policies. As I look upon these developments that have taken place in the USA I can't help but think, "Do we deserve God's wrath? Do we deserve his judgment?" I think the answer is and overwhelming yes. My cry for this nation is that we fall to our knees in repentance. If God is going to judge this nation, we must learn what he wants to show us. We must repent of our sins and cry out for mercy.

As I ponder the state of the country I can't help but think, well, these in this country are non-Christians, we cannot expect them to act like Christians. Those who are carnal will act like they are carnal. Only through the blood of Jesus can these things be washed away. Only through the blood of Jesus saving individuals can these things change. So my mind turns to the church. What has happened to the church? Is the church even more guilty than the world? After all the world is only acting as the world always does, sinfully. In fact it is impossible for the world to act with any Christian virtue. So I look back at what the church has become over the past years.

What is the church supposed to be? It is supposed to be people who have been saved by Christ felowshipping together, growing together, reaching a lost world, and serving our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. What have we become? Nothing but a mirror image of the world. (Please note that I am not saying that every church is like this, but many are.) What do "so called Christians" do, they go to the same movies, they watch the same TV shows, they want the world's fun. Instead of being in the world but not of it, the church today is in the world and of the world. With the rise of the seeker sensitive movement we saw church become what it was not supposed to be. It was done for the world, and sadly it became like the world. As this movement took hold more and more false converts were "made" in the church. And it went downhill from there. Now in the church the divorce rate is just as high as in the world. The number of people who view pornography is just as high, It is even high among pastors. The church also contributed to this fall with the breakup of the family. Every member of thew family was split into different groups. The family didn't worship as a whole they worshiped separately. This also bled into the home as more and more families failed to worship and learn together at home. Fathers gave the responsibility of training to the Sunday school pastor and the youth "pastor". And these have failed miserably at teaching the children and training them. Church has become nothing but a fun fest for children, and even for adults. Even today the emergent church is taking on the postmodern mindset of the world and has embraced the world's philosophies wholeheartedly.

Even in this election many Christians for the first time voted for a pro-abortion candidate in John McCain. Even Christians have abandoned the principles that once guided our voting. We have placed our trust in politicians instead of God.

As I look back at the church's recent history I can't help but think that we have lost the most important part of our faith, THE GOSPEL. And as we lost sight of the gospel we, lost the battle. We became like the world and our nation collapsed. As we prepare for an Obama presidency, let us think of one thing, and one thing only, THE GOSPEL. Let us fight and strive for it, let it motivate us, let it encourage us, and let it form the very essence of who we are. Let us look to Christ for comfort, hope, and council. Let us trust in him, not only for our salvation, but for every part of our lives. Let us as a church get on our knees and repent of the evil we have done. Let us return to the principles of our Christian faith, as God judges this nation. And above all let us love the gospel, protect the gospel, and spread the gospel, because that is the ONLY thing that is going to save the church, our nation, and the world.

P.S. I am sorry we have not posted in a long time. Noah has not been able to post, and I have been extremely busy with school.

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