Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PEACE Plan: The Final Verdict

On A Generation for Truth we have discussed and critiqued Rick Warren's PEACE Plan over the past few weeks. Now comes the time for a summarizing opinion, the final verdict if you will. My personal opinion, simply boils down to that the PEACE Plan misses the mark. Listen to Rick Warren's words regarding his Plan, "The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior." Falling back on my debate training and instincts I would now like to show the advantages and disadvantages of enacting the PEACE Plan.

Observation 1: Definitions

Philosophy of the PEACE Plan: Listen to Rick Warren's words regarding his Plan, "The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior." I would like to comment first by saying that Christians have been trying to influence Godly behavior since before the 1st century.


Promote Reconciliation

Equip servant leaders

Assist the poor

Care for the sick

Educate the next generation

Observation 2: Harms of the Status Quo

Rick Warren calls these the five "giant problems" that exist today.

Spiritual Emptiness (Aaron finds a major problem with the word "empty." I have a tendency to feel that they just messed up a little bit and should have used the phrase "Spiritual Darkness.")

Self-serving Leadership (Rick Warren hobnobs with some leaders that feel to belong in this category, however, if Warren attempts to truly make some of these socialistic thinkers to truly think about the people they claim to serve, then great.)

Extreme Poverty (As someone who enjoys finding historical patterns and cycles, extreme poverty occurs often when dictatorships arise. God creates both the wealthy and the poor, of those who receive much, much is expected. Also, if someone will not work, neither shall he eat.)

Pandemic Diseases (Diseases are a direct consequence of sin and many sins cause illness. Christians have established thousands of hospitals, clinics and other source of medical care across globe.)

Educate the Next Generation (What type of education are we talking about? A God centered philosophy or man centered ideologies?)

Observation 3: Advantages of the PEACE Plan

First Christians will address these problems and will be living witnesses for Christ although that is not the primary objective (see main disadvantage for further discussion). My church headed up ShareFest in our area and I believe had a positive impact on our community, why not reach out to the whole world if you can?

Observation 4: Disadvantages of the PEACE Plan

If Rick Warren had not made his "2nd Reformation" claim and instead stated that he believed that the church should help people in need, it would be an extremely great plan. But he focuses on the deed as opposed to doctrine. God judges the heart, not the outward appearance. Groups like Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child provide aid and supplies to countries around the world and the Gospel. The PEACE Plan could do this too.

The Bottom Line: "The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him." Proverbs 18:17

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